BURLINGTON, MA—Despite snow storm and bad weather, many health, yoga, meditation and enthusiasts gathered at the 7th Annual Health, Fitness & Wellness Expo on Sunday at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA. (Photos: Jay Gupta, Gina Vild and INE)
“The snow and day light saving time change had a impact on overall turnout, but the health zealots and yoga enthusiasts turned out in big numbers to learn about health, diet, lifestyle, yoga, meditation and fitness,” said Upendra Mishra, producer of the Health Expo and Publisher of INDIA New England News. “After seven years, our annual Health Expo has developed a core group of enthusiasts, speakers, followers, supporters and exhibitors. We are very thankful and grateful to them for their support.”
The Expo was kicked off by a 3-hour immersion in yoga and meditation that followed by a series of discussion on health issues affecting Indians and South Asians by Indian Circle of Caring, an exhibition of products and services and about a dozen panel discussions that ranged from neurological disorder, hypertension, cardiac surgery, diabetes, diet, food, nd lifestyle to happiness.
The following were key speakers: