BURLINGTON, MA—If you have always wanted to be a runner—regularly or from time to time—a running expert at the Health Expo on Sunday will train you to jump off your couch and get excited to get out of the door for a quick jog.
“In this talk we will cover the secrets of a couch potato becoming a half or even full marathon runner in six months,” says Biju Kalissery, a founding member of TeamAIDAsha, a volunteer organization that helps beginner runners to achieve their race goals while raising funds to help grassroots development and educational projects supported by Association for India’s Development (AID) and Asha for Education.
The 6th Annual Health, Fitness & Wellness Expo will be held on March 4 at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA, from 9: 00 AM to 4:30 PM It is free to all attendees, but you must pre-register. For more information and to register for FREE, please visit Health Expo website at http://healthfitnesswellnessexpo.com/
Sailaja Reddy
The expo is produced by The Mishra Group in collaboration with INDIA New England News, INE MultiMedia, and IndUS Business Journal. The expo is sponsored by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Lahey Health.

Biju Kalissery
Since 2003, almost 370 beginner runners have gone from 0 miles to a half or full marathon and raised over $850,000 for kids’ education and development projects in India.
“Running is a great way to exercise while gaining a ton of health benefits. It is an easy way to burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of diabetes, lower blood pressure, raise good cholesterol, boost immunity to colds and other viruses, reduce stress and maintain a healthy weight,” says Kalissery.
He says training for and completing a half or full marathon can be a memorable, life-changing experience for most people.
“Running a big race can seem like a formidable challenge that only elite athletes can accomplish,” says Kalissery. “In this workshop we will let you let you in a little secret: with proper guidance and well-organized training program, almost anyone can complete a full or half marathon within six months.”